- +万魔殿 炼净之狱
- +挑战
- +所有首领怪物
- +零式
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- +所有版本
- +6.28
- +标准阵容构成
- +不跳过小怪
- +无3分钟以上技能使用次数限制
- 无3分钟以上技能使用次数限制
- 有3分钟以上技能使用次数限制
- 这个排名限制3分钟以上技能CD的使用次数,防止有人小退等待技能CD。
.: |
The first produced kill video for this 挑战 will be featured here!
- 无人陷入战斗不能状态。
- 以标准满编小队编成(2防护职能,2治疗职能)挑战任务。
- 玩家禁止进入任一腐蚀池内,同时每组腐蚀池出现时都必须释放出最大活饵数量。
No guild has accomplished this 挑战 yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that FF Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@fflogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this 挑战 and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
The first produced kill video for this 挑战 will be featured here!
- 无人陷入战斗不能状态。
- 以标准满编小队编成(2防护职能,2治疗职能)挑战任务。
- 玩家必须分成两组,每组由1防护职能、1治疗职能和2进攻职能组成。在第一次半神冥暗咏唱结束前,一组玩家须处于北半边场地,另一组须处于南半边场地。在接下来的战斗过程中,每组成员必须一直留在他们选择的半场内。
No guild has accomplished this 挑战 yet. If you believe you have accomplished this feat, but that FF Logs is not properly recognizing it, you can send us mail at support@fflogs.com with a link to your report, and we will check it out.
If you are one of the first to accomplish this 挑战 and have a kill video you would like us to link to, send us mail with the video link.
要详细了解网站排名的工作原理,您可以阅读排名指南。 具有暗金背景的等级 被认为是“有风险的”,因为它使用的技巧可能会在将来的某个时候进行修补。 如果发布了游戏内修补程序,则排名将被删除。 删除的行列有 深红色背景。